• March 30: Two Wall Street analysts warn clients that summer may come and go without a new iPhone; Apple shares takes a hit. 3月30日:两名华尔街分析师警告客户说,今夏不会有新iPhone问世;苹果股票将遭受重创。
When Apple was about to go public, he sold his own shares below-market to the key early employees he thought should be rewarded financially, Wasserman says. 苹果上市之前,他将自己的股份以低于市场的价格,卖给了他认为应当在财务上受到奖赏的核心早期员工,瓦瑟曼介绍说。
Small countries can go on capturing shares in big world markets until their income per head catches up. 小国可以在庞大的世界市场不断获得份额,直到其人均收入追赶上来。
What could possibly go wrong with non-voting, only partial ownership shares in a company controlled by a single Chinese billionaire? 由一位中国亿万富翁控制的公司,其不具投票权、仅代表部分所有权的股票能出什么问题呢?
The Hong Kong-Shanghai Stock Connect is due to go live next month, allowing investors in each market to trade shares directly in the other. 沪港通(HongKong-ShanghaiStockConnect)定于下月开通,使香港和上海股市的投资者能够直接交易对方股市的股票。
Don't you pay for all this; let's go shares. 你不要付全部的费用,让我们来分摊吧。
When they go hunting, they live in tents of skin. Stock investors buy shares when their prices are low and sell them when they go up. 当他们去打猎时,他们就住在用兽皮建成的帐逢里。
An example: if A shares gap up 1 per cent in the morning from the close the day before, and B shares only gap up 0.4 per cent at the open, then short the A shares and go long on B shares. 举例来说:如果A股的开盘价较前一天收盘价上涨1%,而B股仅上涨了0.4%,那么就卖空A股,同时买入B股。
If traders are confident the new leadership can turn things around in China, they can go long on mining shares. 如果交易员相信新一届领导人能够扭转中国经济形势,他们可以买入矿产类股票。
As canaries in coal mines go, mining shares tend to be reliable harbingers of a sell-off in industrial commodities in a downturn. 在煤矿里用金丝雀来预警的时代已经过去,矿业股正成为经济下滑时工业用大宗商品是否会遭抛售的可靠预兆。
Why do I want to go around and spend hours of my time prostituting myself trying to get people to buy my shares? 为什么我要四处跑,花大量时间像妓女一样兜售自己,努力让别人购买我的股票?
That's my collection. Let's go shares with it! 那是我的珍藏,让我们一起分享品尝它吧。
As a result, institutional funds do not go directly to stock exchanges to buy and sell large blocks of shares. 结果,机构基金并不直接进入证交所买卖大宗股票。
Will you go shares with me in the speculation in this railroad stock? 你愿与我平均分担作铁路股票的投机吗?
You wouldn't go to a pure investment bank either and say I want to buy a hundred shares of Ford Motor Company,? where is your stockbroker? 你不能去一个真正的投行然后说,我想买几百股福特汽车的股票,你的证券公司在哪里?
Under the developing conditions of the market economy, how to go into the market for railway transportation enterprises in order to strengthen and enlarge their shares in the transport market has become an urgent problem which should be solved immediately. 在市场经济条件下,铁路运输企业如何走向市场、巩固和扩大运输市场份额,已成为急待解决的问题。